~ notes from an uncommon journey ~

The Widowed Blog Slam

The other Camp Widow East session (besides Lessons in Loss and Living) that most stands out in my mind was the Widowed Blog Slam. You know, like a poetry slam, only with blogs by widowed people. When I first heard we were doing this, I was like, "I am SO there!" Really cool.

The session was by turns funny, frustrating, unexpectedly moving, and rewarding.

Funny. Most people wouldn't expect anything on a widow's blog to be funny, but we widows know different. Anyway, watch Robin (AKA SupaFresh Widow) reading her post "Junk mail for the dead, or, YOU CANNOT BE TURNED DOWN!"

Frustrating. I'd incorrectly figured there'd be a laptop there for people to pull their blog up on and read from, so I didn't bring mine. I was having issues with it anyway but when I realized I needed one, I figured I could go get it, plug it in, make SURE it didn't unplug, and be fine. So I left (in the middle of a very emotional post by Brenda, by the way), went back to my room, got the laptop (and, since the battery wasn't working, turned it off in the process, despite Windows telling me not to, as it chose that moment to start installing updates), came back, plugged it in near the front of the room, and sat to again wait my turn. As soon as my turn came, I picked up the laptop, and...the cord fell out, causing, again, the laptop to shut off. Thankfully, another widow lent me her laptop (and Internet connection*). Again, my thanks go to Robin.

Unexpectedly moving. Honestly I hadn't counted on how much emotion could happen in this session. I'm sure it should've occurred to me. It just didn't. But then Brandi read a very emotional post, including talking about Greg being welcomed into the arms of Jesus. Instant tear well-up.

Rewarding. In reading from my other blog, Loving From the Inside Out, I was able to share the personal mission that has grown out of my loss. I read the inaugural post, What This is All About, so everyone would understand the mission and how it came to be, and then one of my all-time favorites, B is for Beauty. Later, a few people separately how much they appreciated "what I'm doing." It's always heart warming to know that others are also on board.

All in all, a great session. Sure hope we can do it at all future Camp Widows!

*No, the (uber-expensive) Myrtle Beach Marriott Resort & Spa at Grand Dunes does not have free wi-fi. Seriously?!?

1 comment

  1. I love that you were there and that you are slammin'!


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